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Legal documents are too long, difficult and boring.

Let's change that!

Consumers, citizens and business partners all have the right and the need to access legal information that is clear and well-communicated. Contracts, policies, licenses and rules do not need to be boring, complex and inaccessible. Everyone hates that! Through information design, visualization, plain language and focusing on user experience and scenarios of use, we try to show a new way for designing engaging legal communication.

A Legal Design Jam™ brings together a group of motivated individuals, ideally from different fields (e.g. designers, lawyers, policy-makers, coders, innovators, business people…). Together, they give an extreme, user-centric makeover to a target legal document. The idea is borrowed from hackathons and service jams, and seeks to engage people to rethink and innovate the very concept of what a legal document should be, look and feel.

During an intensive, hands-on day, the participants will ideate and prototype a new version of the document, creating visualizations and good layouts, rethinking the structure of the document in terms of good storytelling and user needs, and where possible, simplifying its language.

Legal Design Jam™ can be organized as a free public event, as an engaging classroom experience, or as a special training for organizations and professionals.